Senior Design Progress Blog 9

Code: This week I was sick with strep throat and then had to travel with my family for Easter, so I'm submitting a little late. I focussed primarily on the mini-games and their implementation. I added the second level of AI to the torpedo frequency hopping mini game. Now when the user inputs the 10 key combination, the screen displays the user's 10 key combo as well as the AI's guesses. It also displays a different color if the guess and the answer match up, but the game doesn't end, it simply delays the torpedo. The torpedo still inevitably hits the other sub, since the frequency then immediately changes again.

Nonograms: I started implementing the Joan Clarke cryptography game, a variation of nono-grams. Right now I just have a board that where the user can select the various squares and the rows and columns display the pattern that needs to be matched. Next I'm going to implement a solution checker to see if the user has solved the puzzle.