Page Layouts and Interactive Animation: This week I started putting together one of my interactive pages so I could get a handle on the skrollr animation library. I decided to use Grace Hopper for my demo since I have a pretty good handle on what I wanted her animations to be. I ended up experimenting a lot with skrollr's relative anchors (so the animations are based on how much the user's scrolled in the viewport and not exact pixel values) and JQuery animation functions (such as fadeIn). I've been continuously rewriting my code to make it as modular as possible so if I make changes to the page sizes my website still looks good. I've also been making an effort to make my page elements relative to each other so the website is reasonably resizable. I want all my interactive elements to glow a bit when hovered on, as demonstrated by the COBOL book. The moth is going to be an gif animation so it looks like its flying, and when it hits the machine its going to get cartoonishly electrocuted.
Torpedo Game AI progress: For my torpedo game, I started implementing the AI that the user will be playing against. Using javascript Timers, the computer guesses keys at a reasonable 'human' rate, each keys lighting up to show the current guess. If the computer guesses within the time limit, the torpedo is blocked and the user 'loses'. I use a second timer to check if the computer has guessed correctly.