Code Updates: I've continued working on my Express app. I researched EJS templates and managed to create layout.ejs and header.ejs files such that I can dynamically construct my web pages and make use of modularity and decrease redundancy. I also researched and implemented Express session objects and cookies. I'll now be able to track user information (right now just their name, but in the future, what interactive items they've selected, what awards they've unlocked etc) even if the user navigates between pages or away from the page (without having to store information in the url). To test this I implemented a simple welcome page that will be included in my final project. The welcome page asks for the User's name (there will also be an option for continuing without a name). Once the user selects the "Ready" button, it updates the session object with their user information and renders the home page. If a user attempts to view a url without an existing session object then it renders the welcome page. (Sort of like simplified login functionality)
Art Updates: This week I met with my advisor to discuss my character designs and digital concept sketches. I'd decided that I liked a more simplified, cartoony look. I did the following sketches to show that even with simple features, I could still make my characters look distinct from each other:
The two on the left are both Ada Lovelace with different hair, but I thought I did a good job distinguishing Evelyn Boyd Granville and Grace Hopper
My advisor loved the shape and the style, but she wanted their eyes and lips to be more distinct and expressive. (She especially liked how thoughtful Ada Lovelace looked in this portrait and wanted me to incorporate her expression into her character) So I made the following updates to the character design. I'm very happy with the results and want to keep this look for my final images.
I prefer right Ada's expression, but left Ada's hair style. I'm really happy with Evelyn's features, I just want to make a few subtle changes to make her look more child-like. I'd still like to make some changes to Grace's expression, especially her lips.
For their bodies and poses I've started some simple flour sack type drawings. I want their poses to be indicative of their work and character.
Top (left to right): Hedy Lamarr striking a classic Hollywood glamour pose, Evelyn Boyd Granville, Grace Hoppy at ease (to be in her Naval uniform), and Hypatia in her Roman Chiton
Here are some of the other sketches I worked on while I was still deciding how realistic/Keane-esque to be: