Some more art: I'm getting closer and closer to finalizing what I want my characters to look like. I spent a lot of time playing around with Hedy Lamarr and Evelyn Boyd-Granville (as well as Ada Lovelace)--what textures I want to use, how stylized their expressions should be, how childish their frames should look. Here are pngs of what I've got currently:
A little code and some general layout: My alpha review is coming up this week so I decided to put some content into my website so it's not just blank pages scrolling by. I started doing a little research into free (& for commercial use) fonts and put in some of my more complete portraits and a general idea of what copy I want to include for each important woman. I also updated my bottom nav and implemented my own top sticky nav as well.
When hovered on, the top nav pops down and becomes more opaque. I've started thinking about resizability and have been using relative spacing for all my elements.
For Evelyn, I'm going to take some of those details about her career move them into interactive features that the user "discovers" when they click on the right spot
I also started working on styling the welcome page a little so it didn't look so bare-bones html anymore. Since I haven't finalized my color scheme/final look/title its pretty basic right now.